Wood Duck Workshop
These workshops are typically held annually in January at different locations on the bayou. If you’re interested in learning how to build, install and manage your own wood duck or eastern bluebirds nest box, or if you just want to purchase a box already built and learn how to manage it, then come to this workshop. (Scroll down for upcoming dates.)
Our wood duck workshops are a great opportunity for those living near Bayou Teche to have hands-on involvement in the ecological improvement of the watershed, while at the same time witnessing the fruits of their labor as young wood ducks and bluebirds emerge from their boxes.
We also sell wood duck boxes and predator guards. Contact Patti Holland at 337-277-4645 or howldogfarms@gmail.com if you are interested in purchasing a box or guard. The cost for the entire setup of a cypress box, 4 x 4 pole, metal cone predator guard and literature on how to manage your nest box is $145, or you can buy components (package without pole is $125; box is $85; and guard is $40).
The TECHE Project is integrating its wood duck nest box program with a Mile-Marker Signs initiative. If you live on Bayou Teche and would like to participate, all you need to do is maintain a wood duck box with a predator guard along the bank-line, and then let us know that you are interested in the program. We will GPS your location and then supply you with a mile-marker sign to place on your box. As paddlers come down the Bayou Teche Paddle Trail, they will know where they are located by the mile markers, and you will know that you are doing something to promote the paddle trail and to promote wood duck nesting success. Two cool things wrapped up in one nest box!
Next Workshop
WHERE: Franklin, La. (location TBA)
WHEN: January 2023 (date TBA)
COST: Free for Teche Project Members; $5 for others
CONTACT: Patti Holland at 337-277-4645