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By: U. Treslott, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Howard University College of Medicine

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T h e m e s a n d Ta r g e t s o f To b a c c o A d v e r t i s i n g a n d P r o m o t i o n on marketing practices fall behind those of the United States cholesterol chart printable order fenofibrate without prescription. Western brand imagery features heavily in branded cigarette advertising in many other countries cholesterol levels chicken vs beef 160mg fenofibrate mastercard, especially low-income nations cholesterol short definition order 160 mg fenofibrate free shipping. However cholesterol test good numbers cost of fenofibrate, this list is by no means exhaustive, as many other groups may have been targeted in ways that have largely escaped attention or commentary by health advocates and the media. Some groups may have been targeted with marketing approaches that were less prominent or shorter in duration compared with those aimed at the groups mentioned above. Years ago, Lorillard offered free athletic equipment to prison inmates in exchange for empty packages of Newport cigarettes and Beechnut chewing tobacco. Observational research and further analyses of tobacco industry documents are needed to identify targeted marketing activities that are less well known than those described above. Themes in tobacco advertising and promotion have evolved over time to focus on areas such as product taste and satisfaction, affinity with desirable social characteristics, and the perception of reduced health risk. These, in turn, are focused on demographic subgroups that include men, women, racial and ethnic minorities, and gays and lesbians, as well as populations seen as likely to smoke, such as military personnel, blue-collar workers, or people undergoing life transitions to places such as work or college. A wide variety of tobacco industry advertising and promotional channels serve to connect these groups with the brand identity of specific tobacco products. Research in this area will help elucidate the dynamics of subpopulations most susceptible to smoking and the necessity for greater community awareness and policy interventions pertaining to targeted marketing activities. Understanding the successful marketing of tobacco products to specific groups can provide deeper insight into the needs and motivations of those who choose to smoke. Summary Targeted advertising and promotion of tobacco products represents an important tool for the tobacco industry in the growth and market share of its products. A symbiotic relationship exists among the development and branding of tobacco products, the segmentation of specific target markets, and the themes and marketing techniques used to effectively reach subpopulations within these market segments. The tobacco industry has become increasingly sophisticated in applying market research to population segments in order to design products, messages, communication channels, and promotions more aligned with the needs and susceptibilities of particular market segments. Little attention has been paid to understanding tobacco marketing aimed at American Indians and Alaska Natives, despite their high prevalence of tobacco use. Targeted marketing of tobacco products to specific groups such as youth, women, and minorities has become a focus for monitoring and protest by antitobacco advocates and community groups. T h e m e s a n d Ta r g e t s o f To b a c c o A d v e r t i s i n g a n d P r o m o t i o n References 1. Cigarette Advertising and Labeling Hearing before the Consumer Subcommittee of the Committee on Commerce, United States Senate, NinetyFirst Congress, First Session on H. Advertising as per cent of sales, by industry: 1975 data from Federal Trade Commission. In Independent evaluation of the California Tobacco Control Prevention and Education Program: Waves 1, 2, and 3 (1996­2000), 13­42. Paper presented at the 130th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia. Countering tobacco industry sponsorship of Hispanic/Latino organizations through policy adoption: A case study. Federal Trade Commission report to Congress pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. Report to Congress for 1989 pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act. The dark side of marketing seemingly "light" cigarettes: Successful images and failed fact. Tobacco industry response to public health concern: A content analysis of cigarette ads. Report to Congress pursuant to the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act, for the years 1982­1983. Statement of David Goerlitz, former model for Winston cigarettes, before the Subcommittee on Transportation and Hazardous Materials, Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.

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Table 36-2 illus trates the results of follow-up examinations of children 1 2 t o 1 4 years o f age conducted about 1 5 years after fluoridation was begun cholesterol metabolism generic 160mg fenofibrate otc. Further studies of water consumption led to the recogni tion that fluid intake is directly proportional to the average maximal daily air temperature of the community cholesterol count foods buy fenofibrate us. Thus a range of water fluoride concentrations from 40 years cholesterol foods avoid order fenofibrate australia, though the decline has not 0 cholesterol medication and weight loss generic 160mg fenofibrate with amex. In addition to this) the halo effect of exposure to foods and beverages processed in fluoridated communities has sub stantially improved the dental health of persons residing in been equal across all racial/ethnic and socioeconomic groups. It was believed, at this time, that the water fluoride concentration should vary inversely with the population water consumption. In 201 1 the Department of Health and Human Services announced a proposal that recommends a fluoride content of 0. Caries has not yet disappeared, and attempts at further reductions with multiple fluoride sources may exhibit diminishing returns. Nevertheless, the goal of maintaining an individual patient free of caries into young adulthood is certainly achievable, but only for those with access to dental care. Societal and environmental changes, including air conditioning and more sedentary life styles, have occurred since then, so the assumption that children living in warmer climates drink more water may no longer be valid. This proposed adj ust ment should provide an effective level of fluoride to reduce dental caries while minimizing the rate of fluorosis, espe cially in younger children. Bjork A: Sutural growth of the upper face studied by the implant method, Acta Odontol Scand 24: 1 09-127, 1 966. Epidemiology and Oral Disease Prevention Program, National Institute of Dental Research: Oral Health of United States Children: the National Survey of Dental Caries in U. Department o f Health a n d Human Services: Oral health i n America: a report o f the Surgeon General, Bethesda, M el, 2000, Institutes of Health. Dentistry for children ends abruptly with eruption of the permanent premolars and canines. Adult dentistry begins at the earliest with consideration of what to do with the third molars. For many dental professionals, the intervention that comes to mind first for the adolescent is orthodontic care, which is often begun during the preadolescent transitional period. Entirely opposite to the prevailing beliefs about the qui escence of the teenage years is the reality of a rapidly chang ing patient challenging his or her environment head-on and learning to cope in the process. The adolescent growth spurt is associated with accompanying facial growth of up to 35% of total height of the face. More than a dozen teeth, primary and perma nent, exfoliate and erupt between the ages of 10 and 1 3 years. Immunologic changes, hormonal shifts, and other subtle and not so subtle physical developments alter the oral cavity. Perhaps the most poignant statement on this aspect of the teenage years is that accidental death is the leading cause of mortality. Dental professionals see trauma, oral manifestations of sexual activity, hormonal gingivitis, smokeless tobacco induced hyperkeratosis, noncompliance with dental rec ommendations, and drug-related behaviors, to mention a few examples. It is not surprising that primitive cultures associated emerging adulthood with rituals and great sig nificance. The dentist may see this turmoil reflected in poor compliance with oral hygiene or refusal to accept treatment. Perhaps more important from the standpoint of accuracy is the process of obtaining informa tion from the teenager. The following are some of the topics that should be considered when taking a history from an adolescent patient. The health history should address the issues of smoking, recreational drugs and alcohol, birth control, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases. The controversy over inclusion of these issues is easily quieted by the simple realities of adolescent life in the United States. Consider the facts: Allow the adolescent the opportunity to contribute to the history alone, which can be done in the context of a final check before treatment at chairside. Dental care would be considered nonurgent care and most jurisdictions require adult consent.

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Animal studies have shown that both cruciferous vegetable extracts and isothiocynate and indole isolates are chemopreventive cholesterol medication lipitor discount 160 mg fenofibrate with amex. Various mechanisms have been proposed to explain the association cholesterol test at boots buy generic fenofibrate 160 mg, including decreased inflammation and oxidative stress cholesterol hdl ratio definition purchase fenofibrate paypal, induced cell differentiation and apoptosis cholesterol levels scale uk discount 160 mg fenofibrate visa, and improved carcinogen metabolizing capacity. From a human dietary perspective, one of the challenges to deriving chemopreventive benefit from cruciferous vegetables is that isothiocynate, the active component that actually imparts the protective benefit, is difficult to access. It exists in the plant as a glucosinolate, which the plant enzyme myrosinase cleaves into isothiocynate. On the basis of measurements of excreted total isothiocyanates in urine, Shapiro et al. They also found that pretreating cooked broccoli with myrosinase dramatically increases availability. Lampe noted that one could thus argue the value of pretreating all cruciferous vegetables with myrosinase, but that would pose yet another challenge-that is, free isothiocyanate in the diet tends to cause gastritis, with nausea and vomiting, in some individuals. Given that very few human populations regularly consume raw cruciferous vegetables, how are humans deriving the chemopreventive benefit of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables? The researchers did not find any major taxonomic differences in bacterial composition. Bacterial Metabolism of Daidzein, a Soy Isoflavone Soy protein has generated long-standing interest for its potential effects on bone loss and hot flashes in perimenopausal women because of the weak estrogenic properties of the two major soy isoflavones, daidzein and genistein. Daidzein can be metabolized in two ways, via either the formation of equol, which is an isoflavone, or the formation of O-desmethylangolensin. Only about 30 to 50 percent of individuals produce equol, depending on gut microbial composition and depending on the population. For example, in Asia, the percentage of individuals who produce equol is closer to 50 percent, compared to the United States, where it is closer to 25 to 30 percent. Interestingly, Lampe noted, the percentage of individuals in Japan that produce equol appears to be decreasing and is now down to about 30 to 35 percent. It is unknown whether the shift is a result of dietary and associated gut microbiome changes in the younger generation. While not everyone produces equol, most individuals produce O-desmethylangolensin. Their data suggest that fecal bacterial communities in equol producers differ from those of nonproducers. Moreover, within the equol producers, they found that equol production is associated with differences in the fecal microbiome makeup. Lampe speculated that several different bacteria consortia may be capable of equol production. A number of research groups have looked at whether equol production is associated with any health outcomes. It is not clear why so many associations have been reported between equol production and disease risk in the Japanese population, Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. Gut Microbial Metabolism of Plant Lignins As a final example of the impact of the microbiome on host metabolism of dietary components, Lampe mentioned plant lignins. A whole host of plant lignins can be found in seeds, nuts, berries, grains, and other foods, most of which are metabolized into enterodiol and sometimes further converted into enterolactone. Lampe and colleagues measured microbiome diversity for low-, intermediate-, and high-enterolactone excretors among 115 women and detected significant differences between the low and high excretors and between the intermediate and low excretors. The greatest diversity was among high excretors and the least diversity among low excretors. That diversity appears to be distributed across phyla, with high excretors having 20 unique genera. Workshop participants expressed varying opinions about whether microbes and metabolites in the feces reflect what is happening in the gut. One audience member said, "I think you are looking in the wrong place, checking stool. Another audience member agreed and noted that he and his gastroenterology colleagues are beginning to collect these samples in some of their pediatric patients. Yet another audience member asked if anyone has ever compared feces microbiota to microbiota from various portions of the gut. It may not provide any indication of the relative abundance of species at various points upstream, but it does provide "some indication" of what is there. However, he emphasized that the usefulness of feces sampling depends on the research question.

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