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By: R. Grompel, M.A., M.D.

Associate Professor, University of Texas at Tyler

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In addition to the pituitary hormones impotence nitric oxide purchase cheap super p-force oral jelly on line, increased parathyroid levels mobilize calcium from maternal bones for fetal use erectile dysfunction injection therapy cheap super p-force oral jelly 160mg fast delivery. Weight Gain the second and third trimesters of pregnancy are associated with dramatic changes in maternal anatomy and physiology erectile dysfunction treatment thailand purchase super p-force oral jelly canada. The most obvious anatomical sign of pregnancy is the dramatic enlargement of the abdominal region erectile dysfunction solutions pump trusted super p-force oral jelly 160mg, coupled with maternal weight gain. This weight results from the growing fetus as well as the enlarged uterus, amniotic fluid, and placenta. Additional breast tissue and dramatically increased blood volume also contribute to weight gain (Table 28. During the first trimester, the mother does not need to consume additional calories to maintain a healthy pregnancy. Contributors to Weight Gain During Pregnancy Component Fetus Amniotic fluid Breast tissue Blood Fat Uterus Total Table 28. These changes can sometimes prompt symptoms often referred to collectively as the common discomforts of pregnancy. Digestive and Urinary System Changes Nausea and vomiting, sometimes triggered by an increased sensitivity to odors, are common during the first few weeks to months of pregnancy. This phenomenon is often referred to as "morning sickness," although the nausea may persist all day. A common gastrointestinal complaint during the later stages of pregnancy is gastric reflux, or heartburn, which results from the upward, constrictive pressure of the growing uterus on the stomach. The same decreased peristalsis that may contribute to nausea in early pregnancy is also thought to be responsible for pregnancy-related constipation as pregnancy progresses. The downward pressure of the uterus also compresses the urinary bladder, leading to frequent urination. In addition, the maternal urinary system processes both maternal and fetal wastes, further increasing the total volume of urine. The greater blood volume helps to manage the demands of fetal nourishment and fetal waste removal. In conjunction with increased blood volume, the pulse and blood pressure also rise moderately during pregnancy. As the fetus grows, the uterus compresses underlying pelvic blood vessels, hampering venous return from the legs and pelvic region. The growing uterus exerts upward pressure on the diaphragm, decreasing the volume of each inspiration and potentially causing shortness of breath, or dyspnea. During the last several weeks of pregnancy, the pelvis becomes more elastic, and the fetus descends lower in a process called lightening. The respiratory mucosa swell in response to increased blood flow during pregnancy, leading to nasal congestion and nose bleeds, particularly when the weather is cold and dry. Humidifier use and increased fluid intake are often recommended to counteract congestion. Integumentary System Changes the dermis stretches extensively to accommodate the growing uterus, breast tissue, and fat deposits on the thighs and hips. Torn connective tissue beneath the dermis can cause striae (stretch marks) on the abdomen, which appear as red or purple marks during pregnancy that fade to a silvery white color in the months after childbirth. An increase in melanocyte-stimulating hormone, in conjunction with estrogens, darkens the areolae and creates a line of pigment from the umbilicus to the pubis called the linea nigra (Figure 28. Melanin production during pregnancy may also darken or discolor skin on the face to create a chloasma, or "mask of pregnancy. As a pregnancy progresses into its final weeks, several physiological changes occur in response to hormones that trigger labor. First, recall that progesterone inhibits uterine contractions throughout the first several months of pregnancy. As the pregnancy enters its seventh month, progesterone levels plateau and then drop. Estrogen levels, however, continue to rise in the maternal circulation (Figure 28.

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