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By: K. Narkam, M.A., M.D.

Program Director, University of Oklahoma School of Community Medicine

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Full medical history treatment notes generic 100mg phenytoin visa, including menstrual history and past pregnancy details should be elicited 7 medications that cause incontinence purchase phenytoin australia. Any thromboembolic episode medications held before dialysis order generic phenytoin on-line, jaundice or toxaemia of pregnancy should be ascertained 20 medications that cause memory loss buy genuine phenytoin online. History of smoking, diabetes, hypertension, migraine, tuberculosis and gallbladder disease should be specifically asked. Any medication that she is taking and the reason for it should be taken into account to Contd. Whether she is obese or very lean also matters in selecting the contraceptive preparation. General physical examination, including palpation of breast, for any lump and a per vaginum examination for fibroid/other tumour, should be done. Fasting and postprandial blood glucose, lipid profile should be ordered to detect diabetes and dyslipidaemia. Ultrasound examination of pelvic organs should be performed for uterus size, fibroid, ovarian cyst or malignancy. Only after all the above findings are favourable that an oral contraceptive be selected and prescribed. Though the progress of labour in this case is tardy and uterine contractions are relatively weak, there are signs of foetal distress (passage of meconium stained liquor, rapid foetal heart becoming irregular during uterine contraction). The mother should not be administered an oxytocic drug, because stronger uterine contractions are likely to worsen foetal distress and pose risk to the baby. The mother is also not in a fit condition to endure the stress of a difficult labour. Rocuronium is the preferred muscle relaxant for tracheal intubation and short lasting muscle relaxation in this patient. Rocuronium, on the other hand, is a nondepolarizing blocker which does not trigger loss of intracellular K+. Labour pain as well as that due to stretching of the birth canal can be largely relieved by spinal as well as epidural anaesthesia. It is desirable, at the same time, not to produce motor block so that the mother can actively participate in the process of labour. Out of these, bupivacaine is more suitable for this purpose for the following reasons: Contd. Less drug is likely to cross to the foetus, reducing chances of neonatal depression. Alcohol exerts anticonvulsant action while its concentration in the brain is rising or is maintained. This is followed by lowering of seizure threshold when the concentration falls and becomes zero. Thus, recurrence of seizures in this patient could most likely be due to the temporarily increased susceptibility to seizures caused by withdrawal of alcohol from the brain. Since this lowering of seizure threshold is a short-term problem, no abrupt change in antiepileptic medication or alteration of dose is warranted at this stage. The patient should be kept under observation for few days/weeks and decision about further antiepileptic therapy taken only on the basis of the subsequent course of events. Since this patient does not require a hypnotic on regular basis, there is no identifiable cause of occasional sleep onset difficulty and he has tried non-drug measures, he can be prescribed a hypnotic to be kept handy for use when required. Because there is only sleep onset difficulty, and he will take the drug only later at night (after going to bed as usual), he needs a short acting hypnotic which would be free of residual effect next morning. The husband of the patient should be instructed that at the first sign of a seizure attack the patient should be laid on bed or ground in the prone or lateral position with neck extended to ensure free airway.

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Although multiple micronutrient fortification is technically possible medications jaundice cheap 100mg phenytoin, the reality is that the poor will be unable to obtain recommended intakes of all micronutrients from fortified foods alone symptoms 1dpo buy phenytoin 100mg with visa. For example treatment 02 binh order generic phenytoin on line, some iron fortificants change the colour and flavour of many foods to which they are added medications causing hair loss order 100mg phenytoin with visa, and can cause the destruction of fortificant vitamin A and iodine. Knowledge is lacking about the quantitative impact of interactions among nutrients that are added as a mixture on the absorption of the individual nutrients. For example, the presence of large amounts of calcium can inhibit the absorption of iron from a fortified food; the presence of vitamin C has the opposite effect and increases iron absorption. These typically include start-up costs, the expense of conducting trials for micronutrient levels, physical qualities and taste, a realistic analysis of the purchasing power of the expected beneficiaries, the recurrent costs involved in creating and maintaining the demand for these products, as well as the cost of an effective national surveillance system to ensure that fortification is both effective and safe (see Chapter 9). To ensure their success and sustainability, especially in resource-poor countries, food fortification programmes should be implemented in concert with poverty reduction programmes and other agricultural, health, education and social intervention programmes that promote the consumption and utilization of adequate quantities of good quality nutritious foods among the nutritionally vulnerable. Food fortification should thus be viewed as a complementary strategy for improving micronutrient status. The extent to which a national or regional food supply is fortified varies considerably. The concentration of just one micronutrient might be increased in a single foodstuff. The public health impact of food fortification depends on a number of parameters, but predominantly the level of fortification, the bioavailability of the fortificants, and the amount of fortified food consumed. As a general rule, however, the more widely and regularly a fortified food is consumed, the greater the proportion of the population likely to benefit from food fortification. The Codex General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods (61) defines "fortification", or synonymously "enrichment", as "the addition of one or more essential nutrients to a food whether or not it is normally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiency of one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups". The Codex General Principles go on to state that the first-mentioned condition for the fulfilment of any fortification programme "should be a demonstrated need for increasing the intake of an essential nutrient in one or more population groups. This may be in the form of actual clinical or subclinical evidence of deficiency, estimates indicating low levels of intake of nutrients or possible deficiencies likely to develop because of changes taking place in food habits" (61). The broad definition of fortification used in these guidelines extends the interpretation of public health need prescribed by the Codex General Principles for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods (61) in that it also incorporates plausible public health benefits that may be derived from increased micronutrient intakes (as opposed to merely demonstrable benefits), based on new and evolving scientific knowledge. The broader definition thus encompasses the growing range of different types of food fortification initiatives that have been implemented in recent years in response to an increasingly diverse set of public health circumstances. Clearly, the public health significance of the potential benefits of food fortification is primarily a function of the extent of the public health problem. Generally speaking, therefore, when deciding to implement a fortification programme, priority should be given to controlling those nutrient deficiencies that are most common in the population and that have the greatest adverse effect on health and function. Whereas restoration and nutritional equivalence are strategies aimed at correcting food supply changes that could otherwise adversely affect public health, the term "fortification" tends to be reserved for essential nutrient additions that address specific public health needs. Nevertheless, all the Codex categories of nutrient additions adopt, albeit to a varying degree, the general aim of providing a public health benefit. It is possible to fortify foods that are widely consumed by the general population (mass fortification1), to fortify foods designed for specific population subgroups, such as complementary foods for young children or rations for displaced populations (targeted fortification) and/or to allow food manufacturers to voluntarily fortify foods available in the market place (market-driven fortification2). Generally speaking, mass fortification is nearly always mandatory, targeted fortification can be either mandatory or voluntary depending on the public health significance of the problem it is seeking to address, and market-driven fortification is always voluntary, but governed by regulatory limits (Figure 2. The choice between mandatory or voluntary food fortification usually depends on national circumstances. For example, in countries where a large proportion of maize flour is produced by small mills, enforcement of mandatory fortifica- 1 2 Mass fortification is sometimes called "universal fortification". Market-driven fortification is sometimes called "industry-driven fortification", "open-market" or "free-market" fortification. Under such circumstances, one option would be, if feasible, to allow small mills to fortify their product on a voluntary basis but following specified regulations. Mass fortification is generally the best option when the majority of the population has an unacceptable risk, in terms of public health, of being or becoming deficient in specific micronutrients.