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By: E. Trompok, M.S., Ph.D.

Professor, The Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

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Physostigmine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that might be used for an antimuscarinic drug overdose medicine 512 5mg compazine free shipping, such as with atropine medications 5 rights buy compazine with american express, scopolamine medications japan travel compazine 5mg without prescription, or Jimson weed 7 medications that cause incontinence cheap compazine 5mg on line. The hyperthermia seen with an antimuscarinic overdose is accompanied by hot and dry skin (due to blockade of cholinergic receptors present on sweat glands); however, stimulant overdose is associated with profuse sweating. This child most likely has retinoblastoma, a rapidly progressive neoplastic growth in the retina. Retinoblastoma may present in one eye, as in this patient, or bilaterally, as in approximately 30% of cases. The clinical vignette does not allude to any family history, in which case the retinoblastoma is called sporadic, in contrast with the familial form, which is associated with a family history. A second hit to any retinoblast will result in cancer, making it more likely that multiple tumors will occur. This is a rare event, therefore tumors are typically solitary and more often occur later in life. Note that monoclonal antibodies may be triggering, depleting, or blocking, and therefore it is absolutely necessary to characterize which of these effector functions they elicit, as those three scenarios would have three very different therapeutic applications. It is characterized by pink or flesh-colored pearly papules found in sun-exposed areas; the papules are locally invasive but usually nonmetastatic. Areas of palisading nuclei, or small fusiform cells with little cytoplasm and hyperchromic dense nuclei, are characteristic of the disease. This patient is presenting with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when a blastocyst implants in an inappropriate location, most commonly the ampulla of the uterine tube. This typically presents as described in the question stem and constitutes a medical emergency. The most common risk factors are pelvic inflammatory disease, prior appendicitis or endometriosis, and previous abdominal surgery. This describes appropriate implantation of a blastocyst in a normal pregnancy and is therefore not directly associated with pathology. The occipital pole is the extreme posterior end of the occipital lobe, which houses the fibers that originate from the macula. Actinic keratosis is a premalignant lesion characterized by small, rough erythematous or brownish papules. It is commonly found in sun-exposed areas and is a precursor to squamous cell carcinoma. Dermatitis herpetiformis is a dermatologic condition associated with celiac disease that is characterized by pruritic papules and vesicles. Melanoma commonly presents with a dysplastic nevus that has undergone malignant transformation. However, histology would show tumor cells with large nuclei located directly below the epidermis. Seborrheic keratosis is a benign, flat, pigmented squamous proliferation with keratin cysts. A lesion in the optic chiasm would cause bitemporal hemianopia, not left homonymous hemianopia. Such lesions would cause contralateral superior quadrantanopia, or "pie in the sky" defects. A left retinal artery occlusion with sparing of the vessels supplying the macula could cause a hemianopia of the left eye, with macular sparing, but "left homonymous hemianopia" means that the left visual field of both eyes is defective. This answer choice does not support the macular sparing seen in our patient, a phenomenon caused by sparing of the occipital pole. This patient is most likely taking doxorubicin, which is associated with cardiotoxicity. The risk of heart failure is related to the current dose and cumulative dose administered to the patient. Chronic use of these agents can lead to congestive heart failure, as seen in this patient, particularly a dilated cardiomyopathy. Other adverse effects of doxorubicin include bone marrow suppression, local skin irritation, and red urine. Other cardiotoxic chemotherapeutic agents include fluorouracil, busulfan, cisplatin, mitoxantrone, and paclitaxel. Methotrexate inhibits dihydrofolate reductase in the S phase of the cell cycle, causing decreased synthesis of purines.

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