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By: S. Lukjan, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Professor, Rush Medical College

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Evidence also suggests that using different focus objects during meditation may generate different brainwave patterns the treatment 2014 order trazodone 100mg without prescription. Core meditation techniques have been preserved in ancient Buddhist texts and have proliferated and diversified through teacher-student transmissions medicine jewelry cheap 100mg trazodone with visa. There is considerable homogeneity across meditative Dynamic tranquility: the Buddha in contemplation medications bad for kidneys cheap trazodone online. In the Theravda tradition alone medications errors pictures buy trazodone 100 mg without prescription, there are over fifty methods for developing mindfulness and forty for developing concentration, while in the Tibetan tradition there are thousands of visualization meditations. Christian meditation is the process of deliberately focusing on specific thoughts. Unlike eastern meditations, most styles of Christian meditations do not rely on the repeated use of mantras, but are intended to stimulate thought and deepen meaning. Christian meditation aims to heighten the personal relationship based on the love of God that marks Christian communion. Christian meditation is sometimes taken to mean the middle level in a broad three stage characterization of prayer: it then involves more reflection than first level vocal prayer, but is more structured than the multiple layers of contemplation in Christianity. This experience is referred to as moksha by Hindus, and is similar to the concept of Nibbana in Buddhism. The earliest clear references to meditation in Hindu literature are in the middle Upanishads and the Mahabharata, which includes the Bhagavad Gita. These are ethical discipline (yamas), rules (niyamas), physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), withdrawal A large statue in Bangalore depicting Lord Shiva meditating from the senses (pratyahara), one-pointedness of mind (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and finally samadhi, which is often described as the union of the Self (atman) with the omnipresent (Brahman), and is the ultimate aim of all Hindu yogis. Meditation in Hinduism is not confined to any school or sect and has expanded beyond Hinduism to the West. The meditative state of mind is declared by the Yogis to be the highest state in which the mind exists. When the mind is studying the external object, it gets identified with it, loses itself. To use the simile of the old Indian philosopher: the soul of man is like a piece of crystal, but it takes the colour of whatever is near it. Such meditation is intended to help maintain a feeling of spiritual peace, in the face of whatever challenges work, social or family life may present. The five daily acts of peaceful prayer are to serve as a template and inspiration for conduct during the rest of the day, transforming it, ideally, into one single and sustained meditation: even sleep is to be regarded as but another phase of that sustained meditation. Meditative quiescence is said to have a quality of healing, and-in contemporary terminology-enhancing creativity. The sensation of receiving divine inspiration awakens and liberates both heart and intellect, permitting such inner growth that the apparently mundane actually takes on the quality of the infinite. Such techniques, particularly the more audacious, can be, and often have been down the ages, a source of controversy among scholars. Numerous Sufi traditions place emphasis upon a meditative procedure similar in its cognitive aspect to one of the two principal approaches to be found in the Buddhist traditions: that of the concentration technique, involving high-intensity and sharply focused introspection. In the Oveyssi-Shahmaghsoudi Sufi order, for example, this is particularly evident, where muraqaba takes the form of tamarkoz, the latter being a Persian term that means concentration. Meditation 51 Jainism In Jainism, meditation has been a core spiritual practice, one that Jains believe people have undertaken since the teaching of the Tirthankara, Rishabha. It has three important parts called the Ratnatraya "Three Jewels": right perception and faith, right knowledge and right conduct. All Jain followers irrespective of their sect, whether Digambara or Svetambara, practice mantra. Pranayama ­ breathing exercises ­ are performed to strengthen the ten Pranas or vital energy. In agnya vichya, one contemplates on seven facts - life and non-life, the inflow, bondage, stoppage and removal of karmas, and the final accomplishment of liberation. In apaya vichya, one contemplates on the incorrect insights one indulges into and that eventually develops right insight.

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Although people speak of the human genome symptoms joint pain 100 mg trazodone with amex, each genome differs from any other at many positions (around 1 in 1 treatment wetlands proven trazodone 100 mg,000 base pairs medicine lake trazodone 100 mg fast delivery, or about 3 million positions) medicinebg buy 100 mg trazodone with visa, and these genetic differences contribute to what makes individual humans unique (The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, 2015). Many of these variations probably have little or no effect, but some affect the expression and/or functions of genes. Some variants in genes can change the properties of the proteins they encode, while other genomic variants can affect the expression of genes. Such variants influence the color of hair or eyes, blood type, height, weight, and many other individual features, although most human traits are affected by interactions among multiple genes. These alterations occur continually at a certain rate, and although cells have mechanisms for proofreading and correcting (editing) such changes, some escape the proofreading process and persist. As mentioned, many of these variants have little or no effect, but others have positive or deleterious effects. This process of variation in human genomes has been going on since before humans evolved as a separate species and continues to this day. Evolution relies on this continual generation of variants-those that are advantageous are selected for, whereas those that are deleterious are selected against. Whether a particular variant is advantageous or deleterious, however, can vary with the context and may be a consideration in deciding whether to edit variants for clinical benefit. Genetically Inherited Diseases One primary impetus for interest in possible clinical applications of the recent advances in genome editing is the possibility that they provide new avenues for treating and preventing human disease. One such possible use is in the treatment of genetically inherited diseases, thousands of which are known. If a variation that causes loss of function in a gene is inherited from one parent, it often has no evident effect, because the unaltered variant inherited from the other parent is sufficient to provide the function needed. Recessive gene variants usually (but not always) have little or no effect in the so-called heterozygous state, when two different variants are present in the fertilized egg (zygote) and in the subsequent child and adult. If both parents are heterozygous, each having one copy of a deleterious variant, each of their children will have a 25 percent chance of inheriting two copies of that variant-the so-called homozygous state. In that case, there is no functional variant is available, and the consequence may be a genetically inherited disease. Other variants may actually produce medical problems even when present in a single copy despite the presence of a functional gene variant. Such variants, called dominant, produce deleterious effects even in the heterozygous state. Some inherited diseases, such as certain forms of hemophilia, which affect blood clotting, involve genes that are present on the X chromosome (so-called X-linked). Because men have only one X chromosome, whereas women have two, a single abnormal X-linked hemophilia gene in a man will lead to the disease being manifest, whereas women with just one deleterious variant will be carriers of the altered gene, usually without having bleeding symptoms (so called silent carriers). Adding to the complexity of understanding genetic disorders is the observation, noted above, that some variants may be either deleterious or advantageous depending on the context. Probably the best known example is sickle-cell disease, which is caused by a variation in one of the genes encoding hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in red blood cells. If the sickle hemoglobin variant is inherited from both parents (homozygous), it causes the hemoglobin protein to aggregate under certain conditions, leading to deformation of the red blood cells into a sickled shape that interferes with blood circulation, causing multiple difficulties and much pain and impairment of normal tissue functions. Heterozygous individuals (heterozygotes) who inherit just one sickle gene variant have few if any signs of disease and are known as carriers since they carry the sickle-cell variant and can pass it on to their children. It turns out that heterozygosity for this variant makes carriers somewhat resistant to malaria parasites that infect their red blood cells. That is, the sickle-cell variant provides a significant survival advantage in areas where malaria is present, and for that reason has been selected for and is relatively prevalent in such areas such as Africa, India, and the Mediterranean, where carriers are more common than in other areas. There are other examples of such balanced selection based on heterozygous advantage, balanced against the disadvantage of inheriting two disease-associated variants. Finally, it is important to note that most human diseases are thought to be affected by genetic variants in multiple genes, with each variant having only a minor effect on disease progression. Thus, while the prospect of human genome editing to treat genetically inherited diseases has great appeal in some cases-for example, those in which a single gene can be clearly identified as causal-that is not true of the majority of human diseases. The viral vectors are used to introduce a functional transgene and compensate the malfunction of an inherited mutant gene (gene replacement) or to instruct a novel function in the modified cells (gene addition). Because viral vectors have a limited cargo capacity, both the transgene and the promoter have to be modified from the natural version present in the genome and may thus fail to properly recapitulate physiological expression patterns.

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