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By: R. Will, M.B.A., M.D.

Co-Director, Baylor College of Medicine

At least 80mg available iron per kilogram diet is required to avoid iron-limited erythropoiesis in puppies virus 71 purchase 10 gm fucidin otc, kittens infection with normal wbc discount fucidin american express, and piglets (Chausow and Czarnecki-Maulden drinking on antibiotics for sinus infection purchase fucidin 10 gm with amex, 1987; Kolb virus apparel quality 10gm fucidin, 1963). Iron deficiency anemia is an unavoidable consequence of feeding practices designed to produce pale meat in veal calves (Miltenburg et al. Additional signs that may be present include diarrhea, dermatitis, hematuria, hematochezia, and melena, depending on the cause of the iron deficiency anemia and the presence of other concomitant disorders. Iron-deficient animals are more susceptible to infections because of lowered immunity (Kolb, 1963). Asymptomatic dogs are commonly recognized serendipitously when complete blood counts are done as a routine screen before surgery and microcytic anemia is found. Laboratory Findings Anemia in iron-deficient animals generally results from a combination of hemorrhage and impaired (iron-limited) erythrocyte production. However, iron-deficient erythrocytes also exhibit decreased life spans, with evidence of enhanced eryptosis characterized by cell shrinkage, membrane blebbing, and surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (Kempe et al. Iron deficiency anemia is defined as iron deficiency that results in microcytic anemia. Because erythrocyte indices are generally normal during early iron deficiency, most cases of iron deficiency go undiagnosed at this stage. New hematology instruments have the ability to calculate the percentage of microcytes present. Causes of Iron Deficiency With the exception of young growing animals, iron deficiency in domestic animals usually results from blood loss. Chronic iron deficiency anemia is common in adult dogs and ruminants in areas where bloodsucking parasite infestations are severe (Harvey et al. Chronic hemorrhage resulting in iron deficiency may also occur with intestinal neoplasms, transitional cell carcinomas, gastrointestinal ulcers, thrombocytopenia, inherited hemostatic disorders, hemorrhagic colitis, and menorrhea (primates only). Excessive removal of blood from a blood donor animal can result in an irondeficient state. Milk contains relatively low concentrations of iron (Anderson, 1992; Kolb, 1963); consequently, nursing 274 Chapter 9 Iron Metabolism and Its Disorders is needed for normal hemoglobin synthesis. Because reticulocytes are recently formed immature erythrocytes, reticulocyte parameters may better reflect the current state of iron sufficiency in an animal. Erythrocytes from dogs and ruminants with iron deficiency anemia often appear hypochromic on stained blood smears (Harvey, 2001). In these species in which erythrocytes appear as discocytes, hypochromic erythrocytes have a narrow rim of lightly stained hemoglobin and greater than normal area of central pallor. This hypochromasia results from both decreased hemoglobin concentration within cells and from the fact that the cells are thin (leptocytes). Because these microcytic leptocytes have increased diameter-to-volume ratios, they may not appear as small cells when viewed in stained blood films. Erythrocytes from members of the family Camelidae are elliptical and not biconcave. Microcytic erythrocytes from iron-deficient llamas exhibit irregular or eccentric areas of hypochromasia within the cells (Morin et al. Poikilocytosis (keratocytes and schistocytes) is often present, being most pronounced in association with severe microcytosis (Harvey, 2001). Folded cells and dacryocytes are common erythrocyte shape abnormalities in iron-deficient llamas (Morin et al. Not only is there apparently a low incidence of this disorder in horses and adult cats, but some cases may not be recognized because hypochromasia is usually not apparent when stained blood films from iron-deficient horses and adult cats are examined. Electronic cell counters with erythrocyte histogram displays provide visual evidence that a threshold failure has occurred (Weiser and Kociba, 1983). Increased production and release of reticulocytes from bone marrow typically occur in response to hemorrhage in species other than the horse. Consequently, absolute reticulocytosis is often present in the early stage of iron deficiency secondary to hemorrhage, at least in the dog (Harvey et al. As iron depletion becomes more severe, there is insufficient iron for reticulocyte production, and the absolute reticulocyte count no longer increases. This platelet increase may in part be related to a stimulation of megakaryopoiesis by high erythropoietin concentration in plasma (Loo and Beguin, 1999), but the mechanism has not been clearly defined (Kadikoylu et al. Plasma protein concentrations may decrease if substantial recent or ongoing hemorrhage is present.

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Early precursors have intensely blue cytoplasm antibiotics for dogs canada cheap fucidin 10gm free shipping, when stained with Romanowsky-type bloodstains antibiotics zinnat discount fucidin 10gm on line, owing to the presence of many basophilic ribosomes and polyribosomes that are actively synthesizing globin chains and smaller amounts of other proteins virus 8 characteristics of life purchase 10gm fucidin overnight delivery. As the cells are nonsecretory infection walking dead purchase fucidin no prescription, rough endoplasmic reticulum is scant and limited to early erythroid precursors (Bessis, 1973). Hb progressively accumulates in these cells, imparting a red coloration to the cytoplasm. Cells with both red and blue coloration are described as having polychromatophilic cytoplasm (Harvey, 2001). Kinetics of erythroid cells and changes in biochemical and metabolic pathways are depicted in Figure 7-1; time intervals were determined for cattle (Rudolph and Kaneko, 1971). Iron Metabolism Erythroid precursors have iron requirements that far exceed the iron requirements of any other cell type because of the need for Hb synthesis. Developing erythroid cells generally extract about 75% of the iron circulating in plasma (Smith, 1997). Transferrin and Transferrin Receptors Plasma iron is bound to apotransferrin, a beta globulin that can maximally bind two atoms of ferric iron per molecule. The proportion of apo-, mono-, and diferric forms of transferrin present in serum depends on the percentage saturation of transferrin with iron. Transferrin molecules transport iron to erythroid cells and bind to transferrin receptor-1 (TfR1) on cell surfaces. Transferrin-TfR1 complexes localize to clathrin-coated pits, which invaginate to initiate endocytosis (Beutler, 2006). After the complexes are internalized as endosomes, a proton pump decreases the pH in the endosome, resulting in conformational changes in the proteins and subsequent release of Fe 3 ions from transferrin. The resultant apotransferrin-TfR1 complex is recycled to the cell membrane, where apotransferrin is released from the cell, and the receptor is again available for binding additional transferrin molecules. Ferritin Iron not required for iron-sulfur complex or heme synthesis is stored as ferritin within the cytoplasm. Each ferritin molecule is composed of a protein shell of 24 apoferritin subunits surrounding a central core containing as many as 4000 iron atoms as ferric hydroxide (Arosio and Levi, 2002). Individual ferritin molecules can be visualized by electron microscopy, and large aggregates of ferritin molecules can be visualized by light microscopy when stained for iron using the Prussian blue reaction. When membrane bound, ferritin aggregates have been called siderosomes (Bessis, 1973). Iron stored as ferritin is not available for Hb synthesis in erythroid cells (Ponka et al. Intracellular Iron Transport A direct interorganelle transfer of iron occurs between endosomes and mitochondria (Sheftel et al. Hb Synthesis Hb is a tetrameric protein consisting of four polypeptide globin chains each of which contains a heme prosthetic group within a hydrophobic pocket. The molecule consists of two identical alpha and two nonalpha chains that are generally classified as beta chains in adults. Siderotic inclusions in erythroid cells may consist of cytoplasmic ferritin aggregates or ironloaded mitochondria. Ferritin aggregates can occur normally in nucleated erythroid cells of humans (Cartwright and Deiss, 1975), dogs (Feldman et al. Electron microscopy is used to definitively identify the nature of siderotic inclusions (Fresco, 1981; Hammond et al. Conditions resulting in the pathological iron accumulation in mitochondria may induce the synthesis of a novel mitochondrial ferritin (Torti and Torti, 2002). Except for iron deficiency, disorders in heme synthesis have the potential to cause excess iron accumulation in mitochondria (Beutler, 1995b; Fairbanks and Beutler, 1995). Experimental pyridoxine deficiency and experimental chronic copper deficiency have both resulted in mitochondrial iron overload in nucleated erythroid cells in bone marrow of deficient pigs (Hammond et al. Drugs or chemicals reported to cause siderocytes or nucleated siderocytes in dogs include chloramphenicol (Harvey et al.

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The direct inhibition of the pituitary by increased fT4 is the faster responding of the two tissues antibiotics for sinus infection nz fucidin 10gm otc. In consequence antibiotic omnicef order fucidin 10 gm free shipping, this regulatory mechanism antibiotic resistance among bacteria generic 10gm fucidin, which is sensitive to either high or low concentrations of fT4 antimicrobial nail polish fucidin 10 gm on-line, maintains the circulatory hormone concentrations at the normal homeostatic level for that species. When iodine intake is low, there is a compensatory hypertrophy of the gland with an increase in number, height, and size of the follicular cells. The deiodination reaction occurs widely in peripheral tissues and is catalyzed by deiodinases specific for each iodine position, and the released iodine is returned to the iodine pool. The deiodinase that catalyzes the deiodination of T4 to T3 in target cells is actually participating in an activation reaction. Deiodination at the 3 position of T4 gives rT3, the inactive form on the degradation pathway. Within a cell, therefore, some of the T4 is converted to its active form, and some is converted to its inactive form for degradation. Some of the thyroid hormones are conjugated in the liver and excreted in the bile either as glucuronides or as sulfates. Also, the thyroid hormones, being amino acids, are deaminated and decarboxylated in the liver to form corresponding tetraiodoacetic acid and tri-iodoacetic acid, which are excreted by the kidney. Finally, the kidney also excretes the small amounts of free hormones in the blood. A thorough physical examination is essential for the detection of a potential thyroid disease and as a rationale for laboratory tests of thyroid function. Initial routine laboratory tests such as hematology or urinalysis are of limited value except for a moderate to slight normocytic normochromic anemia, which may sometimes be observed. The initial biochemical screen is also limited except for a hypercholesterolemia, which may be observed. In consequence, the specific tests of thyroid function are of great importance in the diagnosis of thyroid disease. Fortunately, improvements of standard tests and the development of new tests have made several specific and direct tests of thyroid function readily available to the veterinary clinician. Hematology A moderate normocytic normochromic anemia is sometimes associated with clinical hypothyroidism in the dog. This anemia has also been observed in human hypothyroidism and in experimental animals and is known to be of a depression type or the anemia of chronic disease. The stained blood smear characteristically has little or no evidence of active erythrogenesis such as anisocytosis, polychromasia, or nucleated red cells. The hemogram, therefore, is characteristic of the nonresponsive anemia of chronic diseases such as neoplasia, chronic infection, and so on. This anemia is not diagnostic for hypothyroidism, but conversely, in cases of unexplained hypoplastic or nonresponsive anemia, hypothyroidism is an important differential diagnosis that should be pursued. Total cholesterol alone is of limited value because hypercholesterolemia is seen in a variety of conditions unrelated to thyroid activity. These include the diet, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic function, biliary obstruction, and diabetes mellitus. The diagnostic accuracy of serum cholesterol for hypothyroidism in the dog is about 66%. Therefore, increased cholesterol again is simply a signal to further investigate thyroid disease. On the other hand, cholesterol decreases consistently in response to thyroxine replacement therapy, so it has value as a guide to therapeutic response. Feeding of iodinated casein to these horses also resulted in a rapid rise of T4 to above normal. Because there are thyroid inhibitory effects among a wide variety of iodine containing compounds, it is critical that any form of iodine-containing medication, including thyroid hormones, be ascertained in the history of the patient. As a general rule, any iodinecontaining medication or thyroid hormones being given to the patient should be withdrawn for at least 2 weeks before any thyroid function tests are undertaken. Cholesterol the serum cholesterol generally varies inversely with thyroid activity. The net effect of thyroid hormone on cholesterol metabolism is to increase the rate of its catabolism by the liver (Koppers and Palumbo, 1972), thereby lowering the cholesterol. In hypothyroidism, the net effect is a decrease in cholesterol catabolism and an increase in cholesterol. Polyclonal antibodies give accurate results and are usually used for these hormone assays.

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This general rule bacteria in blood purchase fucidin with visa, along with the use of a valid and reliable instrument antibiotic with sulfur buy fucidin cheap, should be used to assess pain antimicrobial resistance 5 year plan purchase fucidin 10gm fast delivery. Pain can be most effectively assessed using a multidimensional instrument that incorporates both physiologic and behavioral parameters infection 3 weeks after tonsillectomy generic fucidin 10gm with visa. Wean by 10% every 24 hours or 20% every 48 hours until the medication is discontinued entirely. Caloric needs may be as high as 150­250 cal/kg/day Frequent small volumes of hypercaloric (22­24 cal/oz) feeding or breastmilk every 3 hours may help minimize hunger and improve growth. Because the use of paralytic agents masks the behavioral signs of pain, analgesics should be considered. All aspects of care-giving should be evaluated for medical necessity to reduce the total number of painful procedures to which an infant is exposed. Sucrose is used to relieve neonatal pain associated with minor procedures such as heel stick, venipuncture, intravenous catheter insertion, eye exam, immunization, simple wound care, percutaneous arterial puncture, lumbar puncture and urinary catheter insertion. Studies demonstrate that a dose of 24% sucrose given orally about 2 minutes before a painful stimulus is associated with statistically and clinically significant reductions in pain responses. This interval coincides with endogenous opioid release triggered by the sweet taste of sucrose. The following dosing schedule is recommended: · Infants <35 weeks corrected age: 0. Pharmacologic Pain Management Pharmacologic approaches to pain management should be used when moderate, severe or prolonged pain is assessed or anticipated. Sedatives, including benzodiazepines and barbiturates, do not provide pain relief and should only be used when pain has been ruled out. The following dosages are based on acute pain management; neonates with chronic pain, or during endof-life. Longer dosing intervals often are required in neonates <1 month of age due to longer elimination half-lives and delayed clearance of opioids as compared with adults or children >1 year of age. Efficacy of opioid therapy should be assessed using an appropriate neonatal pain instrument. Prolonged opioid administration may result in the development of tolerance and dependence. Neonates who require opioid therapy for an extended period of time should be weaned slowly. There are 3 opioid weaning options (based on duration of opioid therapy and/or dosage during therapy): · Short-term opioid therapy (<3 days for fentanyl and <5 days for morphine): · Therapy can be discontinued without weaning. How much to wean and how quickly depends on duration, dose, and patient clinical factors. While opioid-induced cardiorespiratory side effects are uncommon, neonates should be monitored closely during opioid therapy to prevent adverse effects. Long-term opioid therapy (>2 weeks and/or maximum fentanyl >10 mcg/kg/hour or morphine >0. If the oral route is unavailable, the rectal route is an alternative option for infants. Newborn infants, particularly those born preterm, are routinely subjected to an average of 61 invasive procedures from admission to discharge, with some of the youngest or sickest infants experiencing >450 painful procedures during their hospital stay. The International EvidenceBased Group for Neonatal Pain provides guidelines for preventing and treating neonatal procedural pain. Be cautious when converting fentanyl to morphine in young infants; the conversion factors are different than those for older patients. Conversion to methadone should only be considered in patients who are not dependent upon their opioid for sedation and who require long-term weaning. The long half-life of methadone does not make it ideal for use in patients who can be weaned quickly. The pharmacist should determine the weaning factor (calculated by taking the percentage that is going to be weaned and multiplying it by the original dose) which will be the amount that the dose will be decreased. This weaning factor will not change throughout the weaning process even as the doses overall become smaller.

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