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By: F. Javier, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Program Director, Marist College

The legal rules of evidence offer several parallels to the epidemiologic approach to weighing evidence and inferring causality is arthritis in the neck a disability cheap 400mg plaquenil overnight delivery. The Hearsay Rule: evidence is not admissible if based on hearsay rather than direct observation rheumatoid arthritis in back order plaquenil line. Example: If the doctor testifies that the patient said he was driving on the wrong side of the road rheumatoid arthritis definition ppt order cheap plaquenil on line, that testimony is hearsay evidence and therefore not admissible arthritis in the knee uk order generic plaquenil canada. There are exceptions: official government sources, business records obtained in the regular course of business (without an eye to a lawsuit), other records routinely made are admissible in evidence. In both law and epidemiology, there is a relationship between the seriousness of the action and the degree of evidence required for that action. To issue a search warrant, the magistrate must find that there is a reasonable suspicion that the object of the search will be found. To issue an arrest warrant, the magistrate must find that there is probable cause that the person committed the crime. For a police officer to arrest an individual without a warrant, he must have reasonable cause to believe that a crime may be imminent or just committed. To issue an indictment, the grand jury must find that there is a prima facie case that the individual did commit the crime. For a decision against the defendant in a civil suit, the judge or jury must find a "preponderance of the evidence". To convict the defendant in a criminal trial, the jury must find that the evidence establishes his/her guilt "beyond a reasonable doubt". For a verdict of guilt based entirely on circumstantial evidence, the jury must be satisfied that every reasonable hypothesis has been excluded except guilt. Use and misuse of epidemiologic data in the courtroom: defining the limits of inferential and particularistic evidence in mass tort litigation. Preventive Medicine 1987; 16:195-210 (from a Workshop on Guidelines to the Epidemiology of Weak Associations) Schlesinger, George. Am J Epidemiol 1981; 113:487- Sources of error A systematic framework for identifying potential sources and impact of distortion in observational studies, with approaches to maintaining validity We have already considered many sources of error in epidemiologic studies: selective survival, selective recall, incorrect classification of subjects with regard to their disease and/or exposure status. Because of the limited opportunity for experimental controls, error, particularly "bias", is an overriding concern of epidemiologists (and of our critics! Sources of error in measurement are classified as either random or systematic (Rothman, p. Rothman defines random error as "that part of our experience that we cannot predict" (p. From a statistical perspective, random error can also be conceptualized as sampling variability. Even when a formal sampling procedure is not involved, as in, for example, a single measurement of blood pressure on one individual, the single measurement can be regarded as an observation from the set of all possible values for that individual or as an observation of the true value plus an observation from a random process representing instrument and situational factors. The inverse of random error is precision, which is therefore a desirable attribute of measurement and estimation. Systematic error, or bias, is a difference between an observed value and the true value due to all causes other than sampling variability (Mausner and Bahn, 1st ed. Systematic error can arise from innumerable sources, including factors involved in the choice or recruitment of a study population and factors involved in the definition and measurement of study variables. In statistics, "bias" refers to the difference between the average value of an estimator, computed over multiple random samples, and the true value of the parameter which it seeks to estimate. In psychometrics, "validity" most often refers to the degree to which a measurement instrument measures the construct that it is supposed to measure. The distinction between random and systematic error is found in many disciplines, but as we shall see these two types of error are not wholly separate. We will return to the issue of terminology below, in the section on "Concepts and terminology".

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Confounding would also occur if we charged the suspect as an accomplice when in fact he was the principal organizer of the robbery. The most common method of deciding whether or not confounding exists is to compare the crude (uncontrolled) results with the controlled results. If these two sets of results are meaningfully different, if they send a different "message" or suggest a different conclusion about the association under study, then confounding is present; the crude results are "confounded". The conclusion about the presence of confounding, however, is secondary to our main purpose, which is to obtain a valid estimate of the existence and strength of association between the exposure of interest and the disease outcome. Effect modification Effect modification is a situation where neither the crude and nor the adjusted measure provides an adequate picture of the relationship under study. Effect modification means that there are important differences between groups (or at different levels of some modifying variable) in the relationship between the exposure and the disease on our scale of measurement. Where effect modification is present, then the relationship between exposure and disease is not susceptible to being stated in such a simple formulation as "D and E are associated with a relative risk of about 2". Where effect modification is present, the summary measure is an average of disparate components, so that the summary is too uninformative by itself. If Carlos is 90 cm tall, Shizue is 120 cm tall, and Rhonda is 150 cm tall, it may be useful to know that their average height is 120 cm, but probably not a good idea to buy three medium size (120 cm) school uniforms. Analytic approaches There are two primary approaches to analyzing data involving more than two variables: stratified analysis and modeling. In stratified analysis we divide the observations into one group for each level or combination of levels of the control variables. We analyze the association between the study factor and outcome separately within each group. In this way we may be able to observe the association involving the study factor without interference from the stratification variables. Comparison of the crude measure of association to the stratum-specific measures or their weighted average will disclose whether the crude measure of association is confounded. Examination of the data within the individual strata will reveal if the measure of association varies so greatly that a summary measure by itself may mislead. For a fuller exploration we can stratify by each of the covariables and by various combinations of them. Viewing the data through the framework of the model we gain analytic power and convenience. Rather than confuse ourselves and our audience by presenting a plethora of tables, we employ the elegant simiplicity of the model and its parameters, through which we can estimate the measures of association we seek. If we have chosen our model well and evaluated its suitability, we can obtain an optimal analysis of the data. But just as a pilot can fly On the other hand, in a stratified analysis, computation of summaries across strata generally involves at least an implicit model framework. If nothing is known about the factors under study, we may have to proceed in a completely empirical manner. For example, suppose we see an association involving our study factor and outcome, but when we control for another factor the association disappears. Whether we conclude "confounding" and dismiss the crude association as an artifact or not depends upon whether or not we think of the stratification variable as a "real" cause of the outcome rather than the study factor. If the stratification variable is an intermediate factor in the causal pathway between the study factor and the outcome, then the situation is not one of confounding even though it can be numerically identical. It involves disaggregating a dataset into subgroups defined by one or more factors that we want to control. For example, in studying the effect of reserpine use on breast cancer risk, we could stratify by obesity.

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Dependent happenings An important category of contextual variable is "dependent happenings", where a phenomenon propagates from one person to others. Dependent happenings arise most obviously in the case of contagious diseases, where the prevalence is both a summary of individual infection status but also greatly affects the risk of infection for exposed, nonimmune persons. The study, carried out following a multi-year epidemic, examined the association between history of infection (measured by antibody test) and presence of Aedes aegypti larvae in a household. With a sufficient number of infected persons in a village, the mosquitoes carry the infection to others in that village, even those whose household has not been a breeding ground for mosquitoes. In a village with few infected persons, the mosquitoes are less likely to acquire the virus so households with larvae are not in fact at elevated risk. In this scenario, higher infection prevalence in a village contributes to the ecological relationship directly (because infection prevalence is the outcome variable) and indirectly (in that mosquitoes in high prevalence villages are more likely to get infected). Other phenomena and situations can also obscure effects of risk factors for transmission in individual-level studies (Koopman and Longini, citing Koopman et al. In fact, when a risk factor affects transmission, neither individual-level analysis nor ecological analysis works. Although infectous diseases have received the greatest attention in such work, psychosocial and behavioral phenomena. The beauty of a follow-up study is that the investigator gets to watch what is happening and to summarize the experience by calculating simple measures like the proportion of exposed subjects who develop the disease ("the incidence of the disease in the exposed") or the rate at which the disease develops in the exposed. This is often not the situation in a case-control study, in which the investigator typically assembles cases without identifying the entire exposed and unexposed populations from which the cases arise. It is said that a follow-up study "samples by exposure status" and a case-control study "samples by disease status". This is certainly true for a case-control study, but not necessarily so for a follow-up study, which can sample without regard to exposure status. When a cross-sectional study samples by existing disease, it is essentially the same as a case-control study with prevalent cases. However, many of these concepts remain the subject of debate (if interested, see references in the first section of the bibliography). Multiaxial classification of study designs There have been various attempts to classify study designs in a more analytic fashion than the conventional taxonomy presented in this chapter. For example, sometimes case-control studies are said to involve "sampling on disease", because cases and controls are sampled separately (as in stratified random sampling). However, though separate sampling may be necessary in order to obtain a large enough number of participants with a rare exposure, if the exposure is not rare then participants can be selected without regard to exposure status. Participants for a cross-sectional study can be selected without regard to exposure or disease status, separately by exposure status, or separately by disease status. In the last case, a cross-sectional study is equivalent to a case-control study using prevalent cases. A basic point but one worth noting is that a study cannot estimate a dimension that has been set by its design. That is, if participants are selected separately according to their exposure status, than the proportion who are exposed cannot If participants are selected according to disease status, then exposure proportions (and odds) can be estimated but not disease prevalence (or odds). That is the reason that one cannot directly estimate risk in a case-control study. Nevertheless, there are various important design attributes that should be noted for any given study. These attributes are: Subject selection Under this heading come the various considerations used in selecting participants for the study.

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Although yolk sac tumors are malignant arthritis pain left arm plaquenil 400 mg for sale, timely orchiectomy results in a 95% cure rate arthritis ear pain plaquenil 400 mg without prescription. These tumors produce -fetoprotein gouty arthritis in the knee buy plaquenil 200mg line, which can be used for monitoring the recurrence of disease following surgery rheumatoid arthritis carpal tunnel purchase plaquenil 200 mg on line. Malignant germ cells that retain the phenotypic features of spermatogonia give rise to seminomas, the most common testicular cancer, which accounts for 40% of all germ cells tumors in that organ. The only consistent cytogenetic abnormality in testicular germ cell tumors is an additional fragment of chromosome 12 (isochromosome p12). On gross examination, seminomas appear as solid, rubbery-firm masses (see photograph). Neoplastic cells are arranged as nests or sheets that are separated by fibrous septae and infiltrated with chronic inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells, and macrophages). Moreover, choriocarcinoma (choice A) and yolk sac carcinoma (choice E) release tumor markers that can be identified in blood. Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors are derived from embryonal cells that can give rise to clones of malignant cytotrophoblastic and syncytiotrophoblastic cells, as well as other differentiated elements. Tumors composed exclusively of malignant chorionic epithelium are termed choriocarcinomas. The photomicrograph shows syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells and mononuclear cytotrophoblastic cells. The invasive growth of trophoblastic cells in these tumors is associated with hemorrhage. The other choices do not give rise to multinucleated giant cells in testicular cancers. Placental alkaline phosphatase (choice E) is a membrane-associated histochemical marker for seminoma and testicular carcinoma in situ. Cryptorchidism, clinically known as undescended testis, is a congenital abnormality in which one or both testes are not found in their normal position in the scrotum. In 5% of male infants born at term and 30% of those born prematurely, the testes are not located in the scrotum or are easily retracted. In the large majority of these infants, the testis will descend into the scrotum during the first year of life. The descent of the testis may be arrested at any point from the abdominal cavity to the upper scrotum. According to their location, the cryptorchid testes can be classified as abdominal, inguinal, or upper scrotal. Macroorchidism (choice D) is a pathologic finding in adult patients with fragile X syndrome. The clinical significance of undescended testes is not related to the abnormal position of the gonad (patients are asymptomatic) but to an increased incidence of infertility and germ cell neoplasia. All men with untreated bilateral cryptorchid testes have azoospermia and are infertile. Cryptorchidism is associated with a 20- to 40-fold greater than normal risk for testicular cancer. Malignant lymphoma is the most frequently encountered neoplasm in the testes of men older than 60 years. It usually occurs in the context of systemic disease, but a few cases of primary lymphoma of the testis have been reported. Diagnosis: Malignant lymphoma 24 29 25 26 31 27 208 32 Chapter 17 the answer is B: Leydig cell tumor. Leydig cell tumors are rare gonadal stromal/sex cord tumors composed of cells resembling interstitial (Leydig) cells of the testis. Leydig cell tumors can occur at any age, with two distinct peaks, one in childhood and one in adults from the third to the sixth decade. The androgenic effects of testicular Leydig cell tumors in prepubertal boys lead to precocious physical and sexual development. By contrast, feminization and gynecomastia are observed in some adults with this tumor. Orchitis occurs in 20% of adult males with mumps, but widespread immunization against mumps has reduced the incidence of the disorder in the United States. Viral infection is characterized by testicular pain and gonadal swelling, most commonly unilateral.

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